Monday, July 2, 2007


“Could this paragraph be divided into at least two smaller paragraphs? Leave a comment to address this question and explain your position.”

“The Japanese antinuclear movement had begun to split up in the early sixties. Gensuikyo, the Japan council, was dominated at first by the Japanese Socialist Party and by Sohyo, the general council of trade unions. in 1960 , it had tried to block revision of the United States-Japanese security Treaty, on the ground that it encouraged a renewed militarism in Japan, whereupon some more conservative groups formed Kakkin Kaigi, the national council for peace and against nuclear weapons. In 1964, a deeper division came about, when communist infiltration of gensuikyo caused the socialist and the trade unions to pull out and form gensuikyo, the Japan congress against atomic and hydrogen bombs . for Tanimoto, as for most hibakusha, these quarrels reach the zenith of absurdity when gensuikyo argued that all nations should stop testing, while gensuikyo argued that the united states was testing to prepare for war and the soviet union as testing to ensure peace. The division persisted, and year after year the two organizations held separate conferences on august 6th. on june,07,1973, Kiyoshi Tanimoto wrote the “Evening Essay” column in the Hiroshima Chugoko Sbimbun:”


“Could this paragraph be divided into at least two smaller paragraphs? Leave a comment to address this question and explain your position.”

"A woman named shizue Masugi now visited Hiroshima from Tokyo. She had led a wildly unconventional life for Japanese women for her time. A journalist, married and divorced while young, she had later been the mistress, in turn, of two famous novelists and, later still, had married again. She had written short stories about the bitter love and bitter solitude of women and was now writing a column for lovelorn women in the big Tokyo newspaper Yomiuri Shimbu. She would become a catholic before she died, but she would choose to be buried in the Yokeiji temple, a Zen center founded in 1285 by a monk who felt sorry for women with cruel husbands and decreed that ant of them who took asylum in his temple as nuns could consider themselves divorced. On her trip to Hiroshima, she asked Kiyoshi Tanimoto what most needed to be done for women who were hibakusha. He suggested plastic surgery for the keloid girls. She started a campaign for funds in the yomiuri, and soon nine girls were taken to Tokyo for surgery. Later, twelve more were taken to Osaka. Newspapers called them, to their chagrin, Genbaku Otome, a phrase that was translated into English, literally, as A-Bomb Maidens."

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Consider this passage from Brians Hunts

The inuit would put a small piece of feather over the hole and stand with bone harpoon ready and when the seal came into the hole the air pushing ahead of its body would ruffle the feather and the hunter would lunge with the harpoon and bury the barbed head in the back of the seal.

Why do three different verb forms in this passage occurs with "would"? what does the use of would convey here?
The first "would" refers to the past because it occurs before the seal coming into hole .THe second "would" refer to the present because after the seal coming to the hole it occur and the third "would" refer to the future because the hunter will be able to lunge with the harpoon and bury the barbed head.
The use of would convey here the probability of occurance.
Revised answer-4
The first "would" refers to the past because it occurs before the seal coming into hole .The second "would" refer to the present because after the seal coming to the hole it occur and the third "would" refer to the future because the hunter will be able to lunge with the harpoon and bury the barbed head.
The would convey here the sequense of facts that happened in this passage.


Consider this passage from Brians Hunt:

He had the bow, a laminat straight, almost a long bow, that pulled forty-five pounds at twenty-six inches draw.

In this case, what is "draw" and what does "pounds" refer to here?

"draw" refers to the length of the bow.The word pounds refer to the measurement which is, with the longbow, he will be able to pull forty-five pounds weight items.

In this sentence "draw" refers to the lengthen of the bow and "pounds" refers that the bow can pluck or tear an animal which is almost forty-five pounds.


Consider this passage from Brian's Hunt:
They had planes and guns and radios and GPS but in some ways they had no knowledge because they had all the gadegts; they missed the small things because they saw too big.

What is the situation here? what does the author mean when he writes "they saw too big"? who is he talking about?

Here the situation is that Brian findout Susan almost 400 yards away in the lake and they cameback in the cabin.Susan took all of her necessaries and through radios and GPS they called for help and people with plane came to help them.He is talking about davids family.

Monday, June 18, 2007


At the Novigiate the motherless Kataoka children were inconsolate.Father cieslik worked hard to keep them distracted .He put riddles to them .He asked them is the cleverest animal in the world? and after the thirteen years old girl hadgussed the ape ,the elephant ,the horse .He said, "no, it must be the hippopotamus". Because in japanese that animal is kaba the reverse of baka stupid.He told Bible stories, beginning, in the order of things,with the creation .He showed them a scrapbook of snapshots taken in Europe .Nevertheless, they cried most of the time for their mother.PAGE-62.
This group of sentences is very confused to me.Because in an war situation ,kataoka asked his children about the cleverest animal in the world and in response one of his children answered that the ape, elephant, and horse is the cleverest animal and he said,no.I do not understand , why he said that it must be hippopotamus which was called kaba in japanese languags and it is the opposite of baka,means stupid.It confused me because it is not clear why he mentioned baka or stupid in this sentence.


"They still wonder why they lived when so many others died .Each of them counts many small items of chance or volition-a step taken in time,a decision to go indoors, catching one streetcar instead of the next- that spared him. And each knows that in the act of survival he lived a dozen lives and saw more death than he ever thought he would see.At the time ,none of them knew anything."PAGE-02
These sentences confused me different ways. The first sentence is confused because the actual meaning is not clear to me.I think they were wonder about their aliveness because ,where more than hundred thousands people died in the war,they were alive and they were also worried about their miserable lives.They never thought about such a huge destruction and human sufferings.At the time none of them knew anythings,which means nobody didn't knew what was going to happen in Hiroshima or in Japan.