Monday, July 2, 2007


“Could this paragraph be divided into at least two smaller paragraphs? Leave a comment to address this question and explain your position.”

“The Japanese antinuclear movement had begun to split up in the early sixties. Gensuikyo, the Japan council, was dominated at first by the Japanese Socialist Party and by Sohyo, the general council of trade unions. in 1960 , it had tried to block revision of the United States-Japanese security Treaty, on the ground that it encouraged a renewed militarism in Japan, whereupon some more conservative groups formed Kakkin Kaigi, the national council for peace and against nuclear weapons. In 1964, a deeper division came about, when communist infiltration of gensuikyo caused the socialist and the trade unions to pull out and form gensuikyo, the Japan congress against atomic and hydrogen bombs . for Tanimoto, as for most hibakusha, these quarrels reach the zenith of absurdity when gensuikyo argued that all nations should stop testing, while gensuikyo argued that the united states was testing to prepare for war and the soviet union as testing to ensure peace. The division persisted, and year after year the two organizations held separate conferences on august 6th. on june,07,1973, Kiyoshi Tanimoto wrote the “Evening Essay” column in the Hiroshima Chugoko Sbimbun:”


0091 said...

This paragraph can be divided at the beginning of "In 1964", because in the beginning of this sentence it starts talking about the divison. Which in the beginning of the paragraph it was talking about something else.

syed m hasan said...

I am not clear about your comment.i think this paragraph can be divided into two small paragraphs.the first paragraph would be " The Japanese antinuclear movement ......atomic and hydrogen bombs" and the second paragraph would be "For Tanimoto, as for .....Chugoko Sbimbun:”

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